Friday, November 16, 2007

Harry Potter....and Why I read it?

Harry Potter Series....possibly one of the last series i would have picked up in my reading list. However, i should say i have finished 3 volumes of it. But what made me pick this one up....and add to the list of my passion?

Being in a foreign land, Germany, it is not easy to find some English books for reading on the book stores. Few stores have collection of only fiction or literature books in english....which is not my usual subject of reading!
During the initial days when i started living in germany, desparate to read some english books....i only saw a good deal of fiction ones. I never spend my money on some fiction books...which interests you only till you finish it. There is nothing to go back to....once it is finished.
So i never wanted to buy those attractive fiction titles....! But again, why Harry Potter?

This book was (or still is) taking the world with more than a tsunami wave! News broadcasts even published adults reading this. Then i found out that parents read it to find out what their children are reading (atleast i think so).

With such a success prevailing and desparate enough to read some book, along with the thought of not to miss this record breaking success of my times, i decided to read one.
It was a welcome choice, in the times of getting bored with just BBC & CNN as the only english channels on TV.

It is extremely childish (as intended), yet a definite page volumes grew.
More so, it kept your mind completely distracted from the daily pressures...and it simply didn't require any thinking....on uncovering the plots.

Currently, am reading the fourth volume....will continue to read all the volumes....coz it helps you get a bit childish and get out of your daily stress....! Great Stress Reliver though! ;-)

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